Communication, Drinking water, DSP, News, Service, solar
Profitable Rural Water Services: Myth or Reality?
A study unveiled at AfWASA 2025 in partnership with Open Capital At AfWASA 2025, Africa’s leading event on water challenges, Uduma and Open Capital present…
Read MoreCommunication, Drinking water, DSP, News, Service, solar
New Year’s Greetings: Our ten-year anniversary!
You heard right, it’s ten years since ODIAL SOLUTIONS group was founded! We became independent of VERGNET SA in August 2014 and set out for…
Read MoreBurkina Faso, Communication, Drinking water, Mali, News, PPP, Service
UPTIME GLOBAL: Supporting sustainable drinking water services for 100 million rural people by 2030
Picture caption: Financial transaction between a user and an operator of the UDUMA service in Mali, a service supported by UPTIME GLOBAL. UPTIME GLOBAL supports…
Read MoreCommunication, Drinking water, Mali, News, Service
Mali: guaranteed and convenient access to drinking water, 7 days a week, for more than 45,000 people!
Picture caption: One of the 18 demonstrator mini solar DWS systems set up by UDUMA in Fakola (Cercle of Kolondiéba, Bougouni Region). UDUMA MALI service quality…
Read MoreBenin, Communication, Drinking water, DSP, Management, PPP, Service
Benin: ERANOVE, UDUMA and VERGNET HYDRO are set to deliver a continuous drinking water service to 9.3 million Beninese by 2030
Picture caption: Handshake between Sylvain ADOKPO-MIGAN, General Manager of Benin’s national agency for water supplies in rural locations (ANAEPMR), and Dominique DA CRUZ, General Manager…
Read MoreCommunication, csr, Drinking water, Environment, label, News, Service
This label guarantees us better access to the market, greater interest from investors… Aimed at a market worth almost €3 billion and set to see…
Read MoreBurkina Faso, Coronavirus, Covid19, Drinking water, DSP, News, Service
COVID-19: UDUMA rolls out a free “hygiene” facility, complementing its drinking water service for more than 200,000 users in Burkina Faso
Photo caption: Balkissa OUEDRAOGO, inhabitant of Rouko (Centre Nord region), washing her hands with clean water and soap before using the UDUMA drinking water service…
Read MoreBurkina Faso, Coronavirus, Covid19, Drinking water, DSP, News, PPP, Service
Burkina Faso: Launch of the campaign “Clean Hands to fight COVID19” for 71,000 inhabitants of the Centre-Nord and Hauts-Bassins regions
Picture caption: EPGF technician testing a foot-operated hand washing station to be installed near a standpipe managed by VERGNET BURKINA (photo credits: EPGF). Stop the…
Read MoreDrinking water, Event, Mali, News, Service
UDUMA MALI: Launching of a new, innovative and sustainable (15-year long) drinking water service for 560,000 villagers in the Bougouni region
The Malian company UDUMA MALI SA (subsidiary of the French group ODIAL SOLUTIONS) officially launched its new, innovative and sustainable drinking water service on Tuesday…
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