Burkina Faso, Coronavirus, Covid19, Drinking water, DSP, News, Service
COVID-19: UDUMA rolls out a free “hygiene” facility, complementing its drinking water service for more than 200,000 users in Burkina Faso
Photo caption: Balkissa OUEDRAOGO, inhabitant of Rouko (Centre Nord region), washing her hands with clean water and soap before using the UDUMA drinking water service…
Read MoreBurkina Faso, Coronavirus, Covid19, Drinking water, DSP, News, PPP, Service
Burkina Faso: Launch of the campaign “Clean Hands to fight COVID19” for 71,000 inhabitants of the Centre-Nord and Hauts-Bassins regions
Picture caption: EPGF technician testing a foot-operated hand washing station to be installed near a standpipe managed by VERGNET BURKINA (photo credits: EPGF). Stop the…
Read MoreDrinking water, Event, Mali, News, Service
UDUMA MALI: Launching of a new, innovative and sustainable (15-year long) drinking water service for 560,000 villagers in the Bougouni region
The Malian company UDUMA MALI SA (subsidiary of the French group ODIAL SOLUTIONS) officially launched its new, innovative and sustainable drinking water service on Tuesday…
Read MoreDrinking water, Environment, News
New Year’s Greetings from the CEO: Is the “all-solar” dream possible? And if so, by when?
The desire to improve water services in the small villages of Africa is impelling more and more stakeholders to look increasingly towards solar pumping in…
Read MoreDrinking water, Mali, Management, News, PPP
UDUMA MALI to benefit from a grant from the GSMA
170,000 euros to invest in mobile-based cashless payment facilities The newly created Malian company UDUMA MALI is one of the 12 grantees of round three…
Read MoreDrinking water, DSP, Mali, Management, News, PPP
UDUMA MALI undertakes to provide 11 municipalities with drinking water for 15 years
Launching of a sustainable drinking water service for 264,000 first recipients Picture caption: Vincent de Paul SIDIBE, Mayor of Wassoulou-Balé and President of the Cercle…
Read MoreDrinking water, Management, News
Launching ceremony of a drinking water management project in Mali
Providing 560,000 rural people with drinking water for the 15 coming years Picture caption, from left to right: Minister for Energy and Water Mr. Malick ALHOUSSEINI…
Read MoreDrinking water, Environment, News
New Year’s Greetings from the Chairman
2018 will be an intense teaching year Dear Readers, For several decades, Official Development Assistance has mainly followed the same approach: lend to the cities…
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